Neighborhood Watch is a volunteer citizen program whereby neighbors work together to return lost items and look out for one another’s safety and well-being.
Statistics from the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) show that neighborhoods with active Neighborhood Watch programs report dramatic reductions in crime along with a better sense of security, control, and peace of mind. Our community’s efforts have led to the apprehension of numerous criminals, taken down multiple crime rings, and have likely stopped other crimes from occurring. We’ve also reunited many lost owners with their pets and returned other items.
We ask that all residents invest the time to learn and follow these eight steps.
PARTICIPATE in some manner in our neighborhood so that you build relationships with your neighbors.
INFORM neighbors when you are having work done on your home and when you are going to be out of town. We have had multiple home burglaries over the years that could have been reported to the sheriff’s office while in progress. Instead, several residents saw the criminals and assumed they were doing work for the homeowner. A tight-knit community knows more about each other and is, therefore, better able to look out for one another.
REMAIN ALERT and help keep an eye on our neighborhood. Snap pictures of a suspicious vehicle (including the license plate) and people when you see them. Learn how to recognize suspicious activity.
Working together, we can add more than one thousand eyes and ears to help each other and work with law enforcement.
REPORT suspicious and criminal activity to law enforcement, providing as much detail as possible. Law enforcement asks that we
report all crime, even when nothing is stolen. Yours might be the car they get a good finger print from.
If you have someone who has trespassed (especially into your side or backyard at night), ask that loitering and prowling charges be issued.
Always ask for the event number before you hang up.
Whenever possible, leave the crime scene alone until law enforcement’s investigation is complete.
Phone Numbers
For emergencies, always call 911
Call Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office (District III) for non-emergency issues within Dana Shores: (813) 247 -0330
Call Tampa Police (District I) for non-emergency issues at Rocky Point Golf Course, Skyway Sports Complex, or along the Courtney Campbell Scenic Highway: (813) 231-6130
Anonymous Tips
tip411 allows users to instantly send anonymous tips, photographs, and video to the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office. The dispatcher receives a code – no name or number – and can respond with questions in order to help direct appropriate resources. Tips are monitored twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
REPORT crime, suspicious activity, lost items, and found items to your neighbors using the Dana Shores-Neighbors Only Facebook page or info@danashores.com. (For small issues that might invite crime, like a neighbor’s trunk or garage door inadvertently left open, please reach out directly to your neighbor.)
Have you ever wondered whether this step is really important? If so, click here.
MONITOR AND RESPOND to neighbors’ reports with relevant information, including any relevant video or pictures you may have.
REMEMBER, this is an EYES and EARS program. The confrontation, apprehension, and detention of any suspicious person(s) should be handled by a trained law enforcement officer.
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